Recovery of Investment After Application of Spray Polyurethane

Area to be insulated  2000ft2

Unit Cost of Insulation                     Rs.38/ft2 (insulation only without cover)

Cost of Total Insulation                   Rs.76,000

To cool this space air conditioning equivalent to 10.5 tons shall be required, consuming electricity of 17.4  KWH per hour.

For 12 hour usage the consumption shall be 209 KWH.

Cost of Electricity

At Rs.4 (including unit rate plus FAC)  Rs.836 per day

Cost per month   Rs.25,080 (30 days)

Cost per year on nine month usage Rs.225,720

Polyurethane is the world’s most efficient insulating system for roof usage and shall benefit approximately 30~40% in saving.

Assuming a minimum of 33% saving in electricity the annual saving due to roof insulation shall be Rs.74,487/=

Period of Recovery of Total Investment

Spent of insulation                   Rs.76,000       9.2 months (less then one year)

Annual Saving                         Rs.74,487

The total recovery period for investment for polyurethane is one summer.


" The above calculations are based on a comparative statement of two ideal houses, one with Spray  Polyurethane  Roof  Insulation  and  the  other one without it. Both these houses have cavity  walls  and  sandwiched  glass  windows. If  however the house does not contain these features then the improvement in energy consumption will be lower, approaching to 20%."




  Pakistan Insulations (Pvt.) Ltd
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 PECHS Block-6, Karachi, Pakistan.
Te; +92 21 4529722/3,4532958 Fax: +92-21 4548686